Resultado do tratamento clínico intensivo da obesidade hospitalizado e sua avaliação após um ano

Outcome of hospitalized intensive clinical treatment of obesity and its evaluation after one year.

Introdução: A obesidade é uma doença crônica associada ao desenvolvimento de várias  comorbidades. Seu tratamento é difícil e com grandes chances de insucesso e má adesão. O  objetivo deste estudo é descrever o resultado do tratamento baseado em dieta de baixa e muito baixa caloria associada à atividade física em obesos.  

Introduction: Obesity is a chronic disease associated with the development of several  comorbidities. Their treatment is difficult and with high chances of failure and poor adherence.  The objective of this study is to describe the treatment outcome based on a low and very low  calorie diet associated with physical activity in obese individuals.

Métodos: Trata-se de uma coorte retrospectiva que acompanhou adultos obesos internados  em uma clínica de tratamento de obesidade em Camaçari, Bahia, Brasil, no período entre maio  de 2012 e outubro de 2015, e sua evolução por um período de um ano após a alta. O  tratamento foi dividido em duas fases. A primeira fase foi intensiva, em regime de internação e os pacientes eram submetidos à dieta entre 500 e 1000 Kcal/dia, prática diária de atividade  física e acompanhamento multidisciplinar. A segunda fase é chamada de manutenção, nesta o  paciente deveria frequentar mensalmente a clínica com objetivo de manter o resultado obtido  na fase inicial. Foi considerado sucesso de tratamento uma perda maior ou igual a 50% do  peso em excesso e a adesão ao tratamento foi definida por frequência de pelo menos 50% nas  manutenções.

Methods: This is a retrospective cohort that accompanies obese adults hospitalized at an  obesity treatment clinic in Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil, between May 2012 and October 2015, and  its evolution for a period of one year after ALTA MÉDICA. Treatment was divided into two  phases. The first phase was intensive, hospitalized and the patients were submitted to a diet of  between 500 and 1000 Kcal / day, practice of physical activities and multidisciplinary follow up. The second phase is called maintenance, in which the patient should attend the clinic  monthly in order to maintain the result obtained in the initial phase. A treatment success was  considered a weight loss greater than or equal to 50% of the excess weight and adherence to  treatment was defined as a frequency of at least 50% in maintenance.

Resultados: Oitenta e seis obesos entre 20-59 anos, 60 (73%) mulheres, com média de peso  de 121 (±23) kg e IMC de 43,6 (±6) kg/m2 foram admitidos para tratamento intensivo. O tempo de internamento teve duração de aproximadamente 179 (±70) dias. Ao final da fase inicial do  tratamento, 21 (24%) alcançaram o sobrepeso e 80 (93%) da amostra tiveram sucesso no tratamento. Ao avaliar a fase de manutenção, a adesão ao tratamento foi de 44,2%ao final do  primeiro semestre após alta e de 36,1% ao final de um ano. O sucesso de tratamento com  perda ≥ 50% do peso em excesso foi mantido em 90,3% dos 31 pacientes aderentes ao final  de um ano.

Results: Eighty six obese women aged 20-59 years, 60 (73%) women, with a mean weight of  121 (± 23) kg and a BMI of 43.6 (± 6) kg / m2 were hospitalized for intensive treatment. The  length of hospital stay lasted approximately 179 (± 70) days. At the end of the initial phase of  treatment, 21 (24%) ESTAVAM/ALCANÇARAM overweight and 80 (93%) of the sample was  successful in the treatment. When evaluating the maintenance phase, adherence to treatment was 44.2% at the end of the first semester after ALTA HOSPITALAR and 36.1% at the end of  one year. Successful treatment with weight loss ≥ 50% of excess weight was maintained in  90.3% of the 31 adherent patients at the end of one year.

Conclusão: O tratamento intensivo da obesidade baseado em atividade física e dieta de baixa  e muito baixa caloria, além de acompanhamento multidisciplinar foi eficaz e obteve elevado  sucesso entre os pacientes com adesão ao acompanhamento de um ano após a alta da fase  intensiva. Esse dado nos alerta para a necessidade de buscar formas de aumentar a adesão  ao tratamento da obesidade.

Conclusion: The intensive treatment of obesity based on physical activity and diet of low and  very low calorie, in addition to multidisciplinary follow up was effective and obtained a high  success among the patients with adherence to the follow up one year after the medical  discharge ( ALTA MÉDICA) of the intensive phase. This fact alerts us to the need to seek ways  to increase adherence to the treatment of obesity.

1. Conflito de Interesses: 

Não há conflitos de interesse

2. Financiamento: 

Nenhum financiamento

part of the stomach, thus creating a narrow sleeve. Aspects of interest in  this context are de-novo re ux and its possible e ects, such as esophagitis  and Barrett’s esophagus, as well as adequate weight loss in a long-term  follow-up. 

Method:  is cross-sectional study of the  rst 100 lsg patients was conducted in a multi-center setting (participating bariatric centers were Vienna Medical University, Klosterneuburg Hospital, Vienna Rudolfssti ung  Hospital).  e mean follow-up was between 10 and 14 years. Data on weight loss success, complications and reoperations was collected  from all participating patients. Non-converted patients were also asked to  complete questionnaires about their quality of life (baros, sf36, giqol, bql).  Patients also received gastroscopies (including biopsies), manometry  and 24h pH-metries. 

Results:  ese  rst 100 patients, treated in one of the three bariatric centers mentioned above, had their Sleeve gastrectomy between 2003 and  2006. A third of them was converted to a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass within  the follow-up period. Today, half of the patients who were not converted  are from active gastritis and ulcers; Barrett’s metaplasia at the gastro esophageal junction was found in 15%.  e 24-h pH-metry and manome try’s results were pathological for 50% of the non-converted patients. Primary Sleeve patients as well as those who were converted in the follow-up  period managed an Excess Weight Loss (%ewl) of 50% at 10 years or more.  Data on patients’ quality of life will be presented at the congress as well.

Conclusion:  e results of this longterm study reveal that 10 years a year a number of patients has had to deal with conversions and/or postoperative re ux and weight regain.  It suggests that a careful selection of  patients is necessary when considering lsg.


Weight regain after vertical gastric plication: Sleeve  gastrectomy or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass as a salvage  procedure? Analysis of the  rst 100 consecutives. 

Chahine, E.1; Hayek, M.1; Dirani, M.1; D´Alessandro, A.1; Chouillard, E.1 1POISSY-saint-germain-EN-LAYE medical center 

Introduction: Bariatric surgery is the best available long-term treatment  in patients with morbid obesity. Vertical Gastric Plication (gp) has been  recently performed as a weight loss procedure in France. Despite its relative, short-term safety and e cacy, long-term results of gp are still controversial.  The goal of this study was to assess the indications and outcome of  revision for weight regain in patients with gp. 

Methods: Patients were prospectively included in a database, with regular assessment of both results, and complications, respectively. Weight  regain or insufficient weight loss were initially treated conservatively in  all patients through clinical, biological, endoscopic and radiologic  assessment. If conservative treatment was unsuccessful or in case of anatomical anomaly, surgical revision was indicated. 

Results: Between February 2010 and September 2015, 100 patients had  gp. Of these, 20 were lost to follow-up.  The rate of patients with excess  weight loss (ewl) > 50% was only 50%.  The remaining 40 patients had  either inadequate weight loss (22 patients) or weight regain (18 patients)  and eventually required revisional surgery. Roux en Y Gastric Bypass  (rygb) was performed in 24 patients (60%). Sleeve Gastrectomy (sg) was  performed in 16 patients (40%). Median interval from gp to revision was  29 months (range, 18–41). Mean operative time was 168 min (range, 100– 228). Median length of stay was 3 days (range, 2–5). Major complications  occurred in 2 patients (5%) including one  stula and one intra-abdominal  abscess, both a er sg. 

Conclusions: Vertical Gastric Plication is associated to high rates of  weight regain or inadequate weight loss. As compared to sg, rygb seems to  be a safer revisional procedure a er gp. 

None Disclosed/Payment received.

No Funding/Research relating to this abstract was funded.


What do resident physicians know about nutrition? 

Coelho, C.1; Souto, S.1 

1Hospital de Braga 

Introduction: Nutrition is one of the pillars of disease prevention. How ever, the curriculum of medical schools does not contemplate this  eld  in a satisfactory manner.  e aim of this survey was to better understand  clinical nutrition knowledge among resident physicians in a university  hospital. 

Methods: A questionnaire was sent to the institutional email address  of 201 resident physicians working in Braga Hospital during 2015 and  shared on a digital platform.  the questionnaire was based on a non-val idated questionnaire used in a population of Canadian physicians(1). It  included 12 multiple-choice questions and general queries about nutrition  training in university. 

Results: Completed questionnaires were received from 24,8% physicians  (n = 50).  the average of correct answers was 58%.  there were no differences between gender or medical specialities. Training in nutrition  during university was below 10 hours in the majority of the physicians,  82%.  There were two questions with 100% correct answers: a common nutrient deficiency in alcoholics (correct answer – vitamin B1/thiamin) and  the nutrient strongly associated with the prevention of neural tube defects  (correct answer – folate).  These two questions were also the highest scoring in the Canadian physicians survey. On the other hand, the question  with the least correct answers, 14%, was: which substance raises the blood  hdl-cholesterol level (correct answer – alcohol). 

Conclusion:  There is a substantial lack of training in nutrition in Portuguese physicians. 


1 Temple nj Journal of the American College of Nutrition Survey of Nutrition  Knowledge of Canadian Physicians. 1999;(February 1999):37–41 

Con ict of Interest: None disclosed 

Funding: No Funding 


Will there be a di erence between weight loss among  individuals with grade III obesity and superobesity  undergoing the same intensive hospital treatment? 

Braga, S.1; Leal, V.1; Reis, D.1; Sholl,J.1; Freitas, L.1 

1Clínica da Obesidade 

Introduction: Obesity is a chronic disease, with a multifactorial etiology,  which causes important damages to the health of the individual.  e se verity of obesity is characterized by the Body Mass Index (bmi), the higher  the bmi, the greater the risk of morbidity and mortality 

Methods:  is a retrospective cohort that compared the weight evolution of two groups with different bmi. Group 1 was composed of obese  individuals with grade 3 (bmi 40 – 49.9 kg / m²) and group 2 with super  obese individuals (bmi ≥ 50 kg / m²). All patients were hospitalized at an  obesity treatment clinic in Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil, between the years of  2012 to 2016 and their weight evolution six months after discharge was  recorded. During the treatment, patients were submitted to the very low  calorie diet (500 to 1000 Kcal / day), daily practice of physical activity and  multidisciplinary follow-up.  e success of the treatment was considered  when there was weight loss over 50% of the excess weight 

Results: 82 medical records were analyzed, of which 52 (62.6%) were  women and the mean age was 39.9 (± 11) years. At admission, 67 (82%)  were grade 3 obese (mean bmi of 43.4 (± 3) kg / m²) and 15 (18%) were  diagnosed as having superobesity (mean bmi of 54.6 (± 5) kg / M²), mean  length of hospital stay was 121 (± 17) days and 158 (± 20) days, respec 

tively. At the end of treatment, there was a reduction of 64.3 (± 9)% of the  excess body weight between the individuals in group 1 and 68.7 (± 10)%  among the individuals in group 2, resulting in a  nal bmi of 31.5 (± 3) kg  / m² and 34.3 (± 3) kg / m² respectively. When weight loss is evaluated.

Obes Facts 2017;10(suppl 1):1–259 219. 


A obesidade é uma doença crônica que precisa de tratamento para não desencadear outras doenças e perda de qualidade de vida. Dispomos de triagem presencial ou online com nossa equipe especializada em tratamento da obesidade. Preencha seus dados e aguarde o nosso contato.



A obesidade é uma doença crônica que precisa de tratamento para não desencadear outras doenças e perda de qualidade de vida. Dispomos de triagem presencial ou online com nossa equipe especializada em tratamento da obesidade. Preencha seus dados e aguarde o nosso contato.

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